
Monday, November 29, 2010

Football Camp

This is our summer football camp that we put on for the youths of McGehee. The guys in the white jerseys are our senior 3 year football players.

Killer Angles Book review

Opinion of book: 5 out of 5 stars.

The Killer Angels is a book about the Battle of Gettysburg during the civil war. It is a great story about what both sides went threw during the civil war. Are the confederate troops able to defeat the union troops and end the war once for all? This book can be used for both English and History and is a must read. It is very historical correct but also is very interesting to read. The characters are described very in depth and you are able to get a good grasp on what they are thinking. You almost get to feel what it was like to be a solieder in the Civil War.

Monday, November 22, 2010


Well it is almost Thanksgiving and boy am I glad for it because I am in need of a break. Football is now over after our beat down at the hands of Shiloh Christian last week. Being able to recruit sure is nice I can tell you that. However, now that football is over my work week has just been cut in half. No more working till 8 or 9 at night and then going home and doing school work now I just have to do school work. I also coach track but thats not untill after Christmas break and its not nearly the hours that football is.

Book Review- "" The Last Lecture"

" The Last Lecture" by Randy Pausch is a very inspiring book. I give it 5 stars. This book is about Randy Pausch who is a professon at Carnige Mellon University and he founds out that he has termonial cancer. He is asked to give a last lecture that most universities do but for him its different because it will actually be his last lecture.
The main goals of the books is for Randy Pausch to leave his final thoughts on his life and what he was able to accompolish. He also hopes that it can be used as a road map for his 3 small children who will probably have no recollection of him. He also talks about in the book a good bit about how he and his wife are spending their final months together and what she will do when he's gone. This is a very emotional book that goes in depth with a man who is living his last days. I believe that it is a must read.

Friday, November 12, 2010


Playoff game tonight McGehee Owls vs Osceola Seminoles at Rex Denton Stadium in McGehee Ar anyone in the area come out tonight and watch a great game.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Week 11

Man if feels awesome to be playing football in week 11 and for those of you who don't understand what that means it means we made the playoffs. This is McGehee's first home playoff game in ten years. Its pretty awesome to see all the hard work payoff. A lot of people complain about how much work teaching is and it is a lot of work but people have no idea about work until they coach. Today is Sunday and I went into work at 2pm and left at 11pm. But there isn't anything in the world that I would rather be doing.